Your favorite qualities in a woman: Empathy
Your chief characteristic: No idea. I am not self-actualized enough to know. Any ideas, readers?
What you appreciate the most in your friends: Humor and intelligence
Your main INTERRUPTING! fault? See previous.
If not yourself, who would you be? Michelle Rhee or a baker in some remote location where I could do a lot of hiking (sounds like I want to be Gesine Bullock-Prado! Read her fabulous blog here).
The gift of nature that I would like to have? The ability to sing so that people’s ears don’t bleed.
How I wish to die. . . .very peacefully in bed, but without knowing that it’s coming, and when I'm very, very old, and still have my wits about me.
Faults for which you have the most indulgence: Candor with no malicious intent. . . in other words, “They don’t mean it ugly.”