Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Walking Contradiction

Last night 'round the ole dinner table, the family decided to each describe ourselves in three words.  The first word I blurted out was


and Big and HM promptly started to laugh.  Loudly. 

Offended, I retorted that I WAS very organized.  The laughing turned to guffaws.

Big said, "This house?  It can be a MESS."

Yes, it can.  I argue that I am both organized AND messy.  A seeming contradiction, but, you can be both.  Everything may have a place. . . one just might not choose to put it there at a given time.  Ergo, mess.  Which can easily be remedied because I am so ORGANIZED.  

I long time ago, in a state far, far away, I was team-teaching with Organicsyes.  We had a reputation. . . .she was the creative one, and I was the organized one.  This used to make me bristle.  I was creative too! not really  But now, it looks like I have lost my organized rep altogether, despite my tireless not to mention successful! efforts at organizing CheekyMonkeydom.  Ah, well.  A prophet is never believed. . . or appreciated. . .in her hometown.  Or in her home, for that matter.

Sigh.  Off to organize a reading binder for Big and work on cleaning and organizing HM's office.  Just call me Rodney Dangerfield.  I mean, the Wrangler. 


  1. Hey Rod, you ARE organized...come to my house for dinner and we will discuss it over some very fine wine:) A mess does not mean dis-organized...it means creative:) so there! You are BOTH!!

    Don't let those monkeys be mean to you!...just tell them you are wondering what is for dinner and when will your laundry be clean and folded!

  2. You are super organized!!! Have they seen the laundry room???!
    Just the fact that you have all those monkeys and still make good food and try to recreate Wonder bread (sooo crazy!) is a testament to just how organized you are. Monkeys (and chickens at my house) just don't know what organized is.

  3. You are EXTREMELY organized!!! Everything has a bin, every bin has a place and a label. Your monkeys need to learn to respect the bins and the labels and actually return things back to them! And I agree with WW...Have you seen the laundry room?! You can do pirouettes in there! I've seen you do it! :)
