musings from a busy, messy, and generally happy life
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Did you hear. . .
. . . he's coming to town? Which makes me say a resounding
I'm so not ready for this.
I'm going to follow Kate's list from Rants from Mommyland to see me through!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Anti-Texas Brownie
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Look what lives at my house! |
Wise Woman is blowing into town for the quickest visit in the history of the world next week. . . perhaps a mini acorn or two will be awaiting her and her little chickens. . .
A Texas brownie is NOT on the menu.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
One Sentence Wednesday: Vision Board
A beginning---still have more to add! |
I am participating in Organicsyes's online vision board workshop today---join us!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A Walking Contradiction
Last night 'round the ole dinner table, the family decided to each describe ourselves in three words. The first word I blurted out was
and Big and HM promptly started to laugh. Loudly.
Offended, I retorted that I WAS very organized. The laughing turned to guffaws.
Big said, "This house? It can be a MESS."
Yes, it can. I argue that I am both organized AND messy. A seeming contradiction, but, you can be both. Everything may have a place. . . one just might not choose to put it there at a given time. Ergo, mess. Which can easily be remedied because I am so ORGANIZED.
I long time ago, in a state far, far away, I was team-teaching with Organicsyes. We had a reputation. . . .she was the creative one, and I was the organized one. This used to make me bristle. I was creative too! not really But now, it looks like I have lost my organized rep altogether, despite my tireless not to mention successful! efforts at organizing CheekyMonkeydom. Ah, well. A prophet is never believed. . . or appreciated. . .in her hometown. Or in her home, for that matter.
Sigh. Off to organize a reading binder for Big and work on cleaning and organizing HM's office. Just call me Rodney Dangerfield. I mean, the Wrangler.
and Big and HM promptly started to laugh. Loudly.
Offended, I retorted that I WAS very organized. The laughing turned to guffaws.
Big said, "This house? It can be a MESS."
Yes, it can. I argue that I am both organized AND messy. A seeming contradiction, but, you can be both. Everything may have a place. . . one just might not choose to put it there at a given time. Ergo, mess. Which can easily be remedied because I am so ORGANIZED.
I long time ago, in a state far, far away, I was team-teaching with Organicsyes. We had a reputation. . . .she was the creative one, and I was the organized one. This used to make me bristle. I was creative too! not really But now, it looks like I have lost my organized rep altogether, despite my tireless not to mention successful! efforts at organizing CheekyMonkeydom. Ah, well. A prophet is never believed. . . or appreciated. . .in her hometown. Or in her home, for that matter.
Sigh. Off to organize a reading binder for Big and work on cleaning and organizing HM's office. Just call me Rodney Dangerfield. I mean, the Wrangler.
Monday, November 15, 2010
A Noble Pursuit
Collecting words is a very, very noble pursuit. I love words (evidenced here) and fervently wish my vocabulary was as big as a house. My most prized possession? The most romantic gift I have ever received from Head Monkey?
It sits proudly in my family room on. . . you guessed it. . . the dictionary table. I have a piece of furniture for the dictionary. I don't have a guest bed, but my dictionary has a place all its own.
Our own Tutcibachi has shared a website that showcases words that GASP! might be omitted from the venerable OED due to lack of use. Logophiles, please do your part! Go to the website and adopt a word today!
That's right. The Oxford English Dictionary.
It sits proudly in my family room on. . . you guessed it. . . the dictionary table. I have a piece of furniture for the dictionary. I don't have a guest bed, but my dictionary has a place all its own.
Our own Tutcibachi has shared a website that showcases words that GASP! might be omitted from the venerable OED due to lack of use. Logophiles, please do your part! Go to the website and adopt a word today!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
We are CRYING. . .
. . .we are laughing so hard. Wise Woman called. Went to website. Can write no more. Am laughing too hard.
Click here to laugh your monkey head off!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
One Sentence Wednesday
Today was Biography Day at school and BIG's most dramatic, emphatic line in his speech was. . . . .
I AM Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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Which monkey has no balls? |
The other day I mentioned to Middle that our Little, who is nearly one, had no balls to call his own. I suggested that maybe Middle could buy some for Little for his birthday. Middle, a sporting fellow, was very pleased by this idea and promptly agreed to the plan. He sprinted over to Head Monkey and whispered in his ear. I thought he was sharing the plan.
Head Monkey's eyes grew wide, then he broke into a big smile.
What did Middle say?
Dad! Little has no balls!
The. End.
Monday, November 8, 2010
I have an unnatural attachment. . . .

Oh, I love it so.
The crock pot has changed my life. When Little arrived, I had NO IDEA how I was ever going to feed my family EVER AGAIN. I relied on the kindness of friends to feed us for two months, but then I realized that I needed to get back in the game. And my ace in the hole? The tool that would see me through?
Tandem crock pots. Bliss! |
I have a good friend, we'll call him Mr. Pleased as Punch, who derides crock pot cooking. He even has a crock pot vocabulary---beef in the crock pot is BARF. Chicken---CHARF. He is certainly NOT Pleased as Punch when he is served food from these vessels of joy, claiming it all tastes the same. I am here to proclaim. . . . NOT SO! NOT SO!! This is not your mother's crock pot cooking!
This changed everything.
This book, and Stephanie's fabulous blog, allowed me to get dinner on the table again. And, due to the variety, spices, and inventive ingredients, not a CHARF
has been had.Come to my house sometime! I will make you something hot, delicious, and slow-cooked, baby.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Family Field Trip
Pine Forest II by Gustav Klimt
A few weeks ago, Middle took a field trip to a local art museum. Ever since, he has been asking to take the whole family. Proud as a peacock, he gave us a guided tour of "his museum"--- he was strutting through those galleries to show his brothers the mosaics from Antioch, the Matisse room that had fourteen paintings and sculptures all by Matisse---we counted, and the miniature gallery. Little gave a running commentary through the entire place, Big and HM debated over whether or not pieces were actually ART, and, despite an overzealous security guard's attempt to rain on our parade, we had a fabulous time. Our first real field trip since the arrival of Little, eleven months to the day that he joined our family.
Enjoy Pine Forest II. I want to go there.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Texas Brownies
Tonight as I was tucking in Big when he revealed that a boy in his class (we'll call him Kid to protect the guilty), was teasing him at school. Whenever Big makes a comment, Kid says.....
Add it to Big's Stupid List.
Well, with the Big I did the right thing. Told him to tell Kid to stop it and if he didn't, to ask his teacher for some help. Big begged me to intervene, but I told him that he had to try to handle it himself first.
I was steaming mad. I wanted to call the teacher, the mother, the grandmother, the neighbor, anybody who would listen to me rail on Kid and would help me get some freaking JUSTICE. But, that would be wrong. He is only a KID, after all. Instead, I took the high road---I started texting Wise Woman.
Here's how we handle stuff like this in Cheekymonkeydom:
Wrangler: Remember when what kids did didn't bother me? Those days are over.
I've had to sit on my hands all night to keep from calling the teacher. Big is being picked on by a kid named Kid. I wish I could square up on that Kid and kick straight him in the batteries but that would be unladylike.
Wise Woman: I don't remember you ever not caring what kids did to your kids. Errrr.
Wrangler: All fired up and have to let him handle it. Grrrr.
WW: Maybe the phantom Wise Woman can send him poop in a bag...
Wrangler: Yes. Texas poop is the best kind. Here is the line I'm going to encourage him to use...
You know what's stupid, Kid? Calling people stupid. Please stop.
WW: Perfect. And then tell him you have a brownie. Only it's poop.
Beware the brownie, Kid.
It's coming for you.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
One Sentence Wednesday
I spend too much time. . . . .
to post on my own blog.
reading blogs--grading papers--wiping noses--planning class--posting to Blackboard--scheduling chimney repairs--finding babysitters--making dinner--checking homework--
cleaning up dog vomit--
watching reality TV
cleaning up dog vomit--
watching reality TV
to post on my own blog.
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